Ćwiczenie 2 do lekcji z self-esteem

Język angielski
Zapraszam do ćwiczenia drugiego do lekcji o self-esteem. Postaraj się jak najwięcej zrozumieć, aby je dobrze wykonać :)


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Hi. Are you watching this video because you think you have low self-esteem? You know, a lot of people come to see me with the complaint that they have self-esteem.
And what that really means is that you worry about not being good enough, instead of just getting on with being your very . The good news is that with the wonderful tools, tips and tricks that come from the field of neuro-linguistic programming , you can learn very and very quickly to have thought processes that make you feel comfortable in yourself, make you feel to do your best and allow you to be in a state of mind that makes you feel resourceful, makes you feel like there really is something that you can do well.

Because nobody’s , but everybody’s got some things which they’re good at. And when you start to focus on what you want more of and what you’re good at and to feel really good about doing the things that you do well, those self-esteem issues will just fade into your . If you come along and see one of us at the Just Be Well Clinic, we’ll be able to teach you how to train your mind, so that low self-esteem is just a thing of the . Give us a call.

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2 odpowiedzi na “Ćwiczenie 2 do lekcji z self-esteem”

  1. gdagda@interia.eu pisze:

    dla mnie super, podobają mi się ę ćwiczena

  2. karo12091@wp.pl pisze:

    Świetne ćwiczenia, – gratuluję pomysłodawczyni. To miłe, że jest ktoś komu zależy, żeby ktoś inny pojął sztukę języka angielskiego. DZIĘKUJEMY!

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